- Namrata Sudhindra, yoga teacher
A yogi measures the span of life by the number of breaths, not by the number of years - Swami Sivananda
Breathing practices predate the common era (CE) and were written about in many sacred texts including the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras, Hathapradipika.
Pranayama (the Sanskrit term for yoga breathing)
Prana means “life force” or “vital energy”
Ayama means “extension” or “expansion”.
The word Pranayama means extension or expansion of the dimension of vital energy.
Yoga Sutras depict pranayama as the 4th limb of an eight limbed path. Presented after asana and before meditation as a gateway practice toward greater transcendence Rhythmic deep and slow respiration stimulates and is stimulated by calm, content states of mind. Irregular breathing disrupts the rhythms of the brain and leads to physical, emotional and mental blocks. Though breathing is mainly an unconscious process, conscious control of it may be taken at any time. Consequently it forms a bridge between the conscious and unconscious areas of the mind.
It is said that if you breathe 15 times per minute, you will live to 75 or 80 years. If you breathe 10 times per minute you will live to 100. The speed at which you breathe will dictate the length of life. If you breathe fast, your life will be shortened. This is why dogs, birds, rabbits have short lives vs pythons, elephants and tortoises. On a physical level, a slow breathing rate keeps the heart stronger and better nourished, contributing to a longer life. On an energetic level it increases the absorption of energy into the pranamaya kosha(vital energy body), enhancing dynamism, vitality and overall well being.
Breathing Apparatus and Mechanics
Intercostal Muscles
Accessory Muscles
Why Nose Breathing?
Temperature control humidifies and purifies the air
Adds friction and control to the breath that increases breath efficiency
Triggers neuroreceptors in your nose and sinuses that signal safety
Impacts jaw and palate development in children
Affects quality and quantity of sleep
Adds nitric oxide to the breath
Nitric Oxide (NO) Production
Produced in the paranasal sinuses
NO is a strong vaso and bronchodilator
It's crucial for blood vessel health
Healthy NO levels are associated with healthy circulation and heart health
Short half life, needs to be restored
Autonomic Nervous system
Usually Automatic
Controls heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupilary response, urination and sexual arousal.
Has two branches - Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous system
Parasympathetic Nervous System:
Rest and Digest
Increases blood flow to stomach and GI tract
Stimulation of peristalsis, urination and salivary glands
Decrease in heart rate
Pupil normalisation for short range vision
Sexual arousal
Sympathetic Nervous System:
Fight or flight
Stops digestion/elimination
Blood goes to muscles and lungs almost 12x more
Epinephrine(adrenaline) goes up
Heart rate increases
Pupil dilates for better long range vision
Sexual orgasm
Yin Yang Balance
INHALE - Strength, brace, expansion, sympathetic response
EXHALE - Opening, relaxation, contraction, papsympathetic response
INHALE - Length and strength
EXHALE - Opening and release
INHALE - Yang / Sun / Day / Heat
EXHALE - Yin / Moon / Night / Cool
Vagus Nerve
10th cranial nerve, longest of the ANS
Vagabond nerve as little branches go everywhere
Largely responsible for the parasympathetic response
Controls heart, lung and digestive tracts
Breathing and Vagus Nerve
Vagus nerve passes through the opening of the diaphragm
Stimulated by deep breathing
Stimulated by humming and singing
Breathing promotes vagal tone
High vagal tone = increased responsiveness to environment, ability to adapt
Nasal test
Empty Breath Hold
Lung capacity test
Nasal Cycle
Discovered by German physician, Richard Kayser
Test in the morning, before and after meals, before exercise, before bed
90-120 min shifts
Impacted by deep breathing
Nasal Dominance
Left Nostril
Right brain activity / alpha brain wave
Parasympathetic nervous system stimulated • After eating • Relaxed, tried, sleepy
Love, empathy, emotional connect
Feelings of calm and creativity
Right Nostril
Left brain activity / beta brain wave
Sympathetic nervous system stimulated • Hunger
Wakefulness / alert
Prepped for physical activity / exercise • Feelings of go-go- go, anxiety, action
Coffee Breathing
30+ breaths per minute
Reduces CO2
Increases blood PH
Constricts blood vessels and breathing passageways
Slight increase in blood O2
Water Breathing
50% of natural rate 2x the volume 4-6 I /min
Nose only breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing
Tones the nervous system
Whiskey Breathing
Less than 3 breaths per minute
Inhale : Exhale = 1 : 2
Diaphragmatic breathing
Seated or supine
Nose only or nose to mouth
Instagram - @namratasudhindra @nikayayoga
Email - nikayayoga@gmail.com